
The kind that matters

The kind that brings joy riding in on its coattails

Is found in the most unlikely of places

It is found in less

Less numbers

Less energy

Less pursuit of landfill-bound toys

And magic bullet energy which only fuels the machinery of more.

It is hidden in  

The understated

It is written in undeveloped landscapes

It is tethered to the remaining unruly rivers

Untamed by demands to quench our never-ending thirst.

An abundance of joy

Awaits those who graft a new story on to their hearts

Who unwrap the beauty of less

And feel its wonder in the skies still able to permit rainbow views

And starry nights that humble

It opens the door to chance encounters with wild critters

The first to feel the dark side of worshipping growth

Cramming more and more into a country

never meant to hold this many without great sacrifice.