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Nature Doesn’t Look at Our Differences, But She Does Count Our Feet

If I hear one more time that we must change our relationship with the natural world in order to stop our road to extinction, I am going to scream. Our beloved Beatles told us that “all we need is love,” when love is just a missing ingredient to a much longer recipe. We certainly need to operate with more love toward each other and our planet, but there is more than an attitude change and an embrace of trees that needs to be addressed. Something is standing in our way.

-Rewilding Earth

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Shragg: Immigration growth is an environmental issue

President Biden promised to “restore the soul” of America. That, of course, means reviving the integrity and civility that were so often missing from the White House over the past four years.

But it requires more than that. America isn’t merely a country home to 330 million diverse humans. It’s a staggeringly gorgeous nation of rivers and mountains, plains and estuaries, forests and lakes teeming with wildlife. And in many regions, this biodiversity is disappearing due to the urban sprawl caused by our growing population.

-The Boston Herald


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