Thanks for Saving the Wolves : an Open Letter to Population Groups unafraid of addressing HOW we grow.

Dear Population NGO unafraid of addressing Immigration as the way the US population is mostly growing and is forecasted to grow ( Fill in the blank)


My enclosed donation is to thank you for saving the wolves. No that is not a typo. You see I was recently canceled from presenting my talk at the International Wolf Symposium (IWS). I was poised to methodically and with supportive research demonstrate how US population growth is harming the future of these amazing mammals. The word apparently got out that I was going to point a well-deserved, humanely articulated finger at the main reason the US is growing so fast, our outdated and unsustainable mass immigration policies, and afraid that I would offend some people, they declined to allow me to speak at their conference in Minnesota this October. I offered to let them put a disclaimer on the door after watching my new and improved talk now called, “Sprawling Over America, Why the endangered Species Act isn’t enough.” But due to my principles, I would not agree to alter my talk unless it was for scientific reasons. The verdict came back from one irate board member in particular, I am told, that I was not to even say the word ‘immigration. I asked for my registration fee back, especially when they could not be troubled to see my improvements in the latest rendition of my presentation. I am using that refund to make donations to fine NGOs like you who are doing more to save the wolf than this group. They say they love them, promote studying them and fill their website with great photos of them but stop at doing what would really help them, humanely keep our increasing footprints from encroaching on their territory. I claim that there can be no diversity in a world which tramples on biodiversity.


A wolf pack territory averages about 50-60 square miles, depending on prey density. According to the head of the IWS who had to break the news to me, there is no more room to release wolves in the lower 48.  In my talk I address why that is, but overpopulation, population growth and for sure immigration, the main cause for our continued growth, are now not only taboo topics they are taboo words. I feel sorry for the wolves which not only have suffered over the years from negative mythology and the effects of climate change but from the last nail in their coffin, political wokeness and cancel culture. I know that you will spend my donation well and continue to press for awareness on how unsustainable our overpopulated country is both for us and wildlife. I know many in the IWS agree with my research, but until they find their collective spine and allow the truth to be told about overpopulation and growth, I will continue to spread the word where I am allowed, which is getting more and more difficult to do.


With thanks for your courageous work,

Dr. Karen I. Shragg

Sole proprietor of MUSEC, MoveUpstream Environmental Consultants, Board Member of (SEPS) Scientists and Environmentalists for Population Stabilization, Board Member of CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) Advisory board member of Earth Overshoot.