The Thief at the Door
The thief at the door
Is knocking
But deaf ears respond
Excuses mount
Tethered to fatally flawed notions
Of the proper direction to take
The thief steals so much more than it
Is ever put on its ever-enlarging plate
Has never
Been jailed for its transgressions
Which have not been silent
But which have been silenced
By those who think they stand to gain
With the current system in place
But this train takes all as prisoners
heading for the cliff
Only a handful know is there
Snagging so many of the innocent along the way
As they disappear from the pages of existence
Decline is difficult to witness when it is chomped away slowly
By the thief’s deadly jaws
Consumption’s multiplier remains unnamed for we are
Wrapped up in the daily struggles of life
Anesthetized by
technology’s wizardry.
The blindness to the thief’s role in breaking nature’s rules
Throws a monkey wrench into all noble actions.
Many scream into the ether not to let in this thief at the door
Destroying our neighborhoods
Decimating our forests
Igniting our landscapes
Drinking our rivers to their last drop
Disrupting any hope of cohesion
As numbers overwhelm & overshoot limits
That were never ours to set